Offering a luggage repair services has traditionally been a service reserved for luxury hotels. And even these have struggled with the wide variety of different luggage spare part types. Start offering a luggage repair service to your guests without the usual challenges today.

Offer a Luggage Repair Service at Your Hotel

Offering luggage repair services at your hotel has never been easier with Suitcase.Repair. There is no need to store hundreds of spare parts, have a dedicated workshop or to have a wide variety of tools available. All you need are basic repair tools (which we can provide you with) and an employee who is trained to perform the repairs you select to offer.

After you have identified the required parts to perform the repair the necessary parts are delivered directly to your hotel to perform the repair before the guest leaves.

As a hotel partner you additionally benefit from a consolidated invoicing with variable billing periods based on your repair volume.

Provide Premium Guest Services

Offering luggage repairs in partnership with Suitcase.Repair at your hotel you have the full control on how you wish to manage your repair service. You can select to offer the service free-of-charge for your guests or set a price which suits your business needs.

At the same time you have the option of joining the Suitcase.Repair repair network and offer your repair service to locals increasing your revenue and the awareness for your hotel in the vicinity.

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